Elysian Bakery


Online Orders

May - Friday 5/24

Order Window: 5/17, 5/18, 5/19, 5/20

Pick Up Locations:

Alpine WY - Text when ready

Jackson WY - Pick Up between 5pm and 6pm - Location TBD

In-Person Events

Summer Markets

The People’s Market

Wednesdays Starting June 5, 4pm to 7pm

Center for the Arts - Lawn, Jackson WY

Jackson Hole Farmers Market

Welcome to Elysian Bakery

- A Haven for Handcrafted Delights -

Nestled in Western Wyoming, between majestic mountain ranges and the tranquil flow of converging rivers, lies my home-based micro-bakery. Here, every loaf of stone-baked bread and each pastry is a canvas of my passion—a story told through flour, water, and a fire-brick oven.

As a self-taught baker, my journey began with a curious mind and a natural leaven starter back in 2008. From the crackling crust of our signature sourdough to the tender crumb of our various pastries, each creation is a testament to my endless quest for baking perfection. I am forever a student, drawing inspiration from fellow bakers, ancient techniques, and the myriad of flavors offered by nature.

My bakery isn’t just about bread and pastries; it's about experiences. Imagine the comforting aroma of freshly baked bread wafting through your kitchen, or the surprise and delight of biting into a pastry that's both familiar and intriguingly new. That's what we aim to bring to your table.

We invite you to explore our range of baked goods, each crafted with care and a dash of creativity. From rustic loaves that echo the robust spirit of Wyoming to delicate pastries that whisper of far-off places, our menu is a journey for the senses.

Your support means the world to me. It's the encouraging words from friends and the loyalty of customers like you that inspire me to keep baking, keep learning, and keep sharing the joy of handcrafted baked goods. Thank you for being part of our story.

Step into our world of baking wonders—taste the love, feel the warmth, and share the joy.

Anticipated In Person Events: Jackson WY

Slow Food in the Tetons

The People’s Market

Wednesdays 4pm to 7pm

June 5th to September 25th

The Lawn @ The Center for the Arts

Jackson Hole Farmer’s Market

Summer Season

Saturdays 8am to 12pm

June 29th to September 28th

On The Town Square

Online Orders:

Alpine & Jackson Pick Up Options

March - Break

Returning April - 4/19

Past Events:

Jackson Hole Farmer’s Market, Winter Market Fest - Jackson, WY

Slow Food in the Tetons, Summer People's Market - Jackson, WY

Slow Food in the Tetons, Winter People's Market - Jackson, WY

Farm to Fork Festival - Jackson Wyoming

Star Valley Farmer's Market - Alpine, Wyoming

Indulge in Freshly Baked Delights...

There's something magical about savoring bread and pastries fresh out of the oven – it's my ultimate happy place. But I know that sometimes, enjoying them right away isn't always possible. That doesn't mean you have to compromise on that delightful freshness!

I bake my breads on the day of the farmer’s market or your scheduled pick-up. Committed to natural goodness, my bakery shuns preservatives, ensuring you get the wholesome, authentic experience you deserve. To help you enjoy this freshness even when you can't eat it straight away, I have some tips and tricks up my sleeve.

Here’s my personal guide to reviving that 'just-baked' magic for breads like mine...


Keeping It Fresh: Your Guide to Savoring Our Baked Goods

To ensure that every bite of our breads, bagels, and English muffins remains as delightful as the day they were baked, I recommend a simple yet effective method. On the day of purchase, take a moment to slice these goodies. Then, here’s the key: freeze the slices promptly.

For the best results, wrap them individually or in small portions in paper bags, which help maintain their texture. Alternatively, you can use freezer bags for extra protection. This method works wonderfully for pastries too!

By following these steps, you can enjoy the fresh-baked quality anytime, unlocking the full flavor and texture of our artisanal creations with ease.

Time to Savor: Perfectly Reheating Your Baked Delights

When the moment arrives to indulge in your stored treats, you have two excellent options to revive their just-baked warmth and texture.

Room Temperature Method: For a gentle awakening of flavors, simply take your chosen bread or pastry out of the freezer and allow it to gradually warm up to room temperature. This method is perfect for when you're not in a rush and want to savor the natural softness and aromas as they gently unfold.

Toaster Oven Magic: If you're craving that fresh-out-of-the-oven warmth quickly, the toaster oven is your best friend. Pop in your slices or pastries for a few minutes, and watch as they regain that delightful crispness and warmth, offering you an almost freshly baked experience in minutes.

Either way, you're in for a treat that's as close to fresh from the oven as it gets!

For the Traveling Connoisseur: Keeping Your Baked Treasures Perfect

Discovering exceptional fresh baked goods while on the road is one of life’s simple joys. To ensure these culinary finds remain as delightful as when you first laid eyes on them, here’s a little tip I swear by:

Keep your bread and pastries nestled in a paper bag – it’s not just a container, it’s a guardian that helps maintain their texture and freshness. Then, find a cool, shaded spot in your vehicle or accommodation, away from direct sunlight. This little haven is crucial for preserving the integrity and flavors of your baked delights, protecting them from the harshness of heat and light.

By following this simple practice, you ensure that every bite of your travel-found treats remains a delicious testament to your adventures.